Why drug addiction happens?

Brain chemistry, environment and biological factors. The more a person abuses a drug, the more they can continue to use it unless they get help to overcome a life-threatening addiction. Once the chemical has affected the brain, people can feel the physical symptoms and the chemical's impact on their entire nervous system. Symptoms may include a rapid heartbeat, paranoia, nausea, hallucinations, and other disturbing sensations over which the individual has little control.

They may be consumed by abusing the substance to maintain their habit no matter the cost. As a result of this powerful control of substance abuse, people can begin to act in unrecognizable ways; this can worry friends and family. If you think that you or someone you care about is addicted to drugs or alcohol, the first step to getting help is to recognize the problem. Dr.

Ashish Bhatt explains how addiction affects the brain and how different substances can alter brain chemistry. The NIDA says brain imaging reveals that areas responsible for judgment, decision-making and behavioral control are damaged among drug addicts. Repeated use of a substance “trains the brain to associate a rewarding high with other signs in a person's life, such as friends with whom they drink or use drugs, places where they use substances, and the paraphernalia that accompanies substance intake. Biological factors such as genetic predisposition, gender, ethnicity, or suffering from a mental disorder affect a person's vulnerability to drug abuse.

Physical addiction seems to occur when repeated use of a drug changes the way the brain feels pleasure. If your healthcare provider prescribes a drug with the potential for addiction, be careful when taking it and follow the instructions. As a member of the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), David works closely with area treatment centers and recovery-oriented nonprofit organizations, as well as being the keynote speaker at several recovery-focused events. Each substance has slightly different effects on the brain, but all addictive drugs, such as alcohol, opioids and cocaine, produce a pleasurable surge of the neurotransmitter dopamine in a region of the brain called the basal ganglia; neurotransmitters are chemicals that transmit messages between nerve cells.

Drug addiction (also known as substance use disorder) can be defined as a progressive disease that causes people to lose control over the use of a substance despite the worsening consequences of that use. A number of combined risk factors increase the likelihood of abusing drugs in the first place, while reinforcing their continued use. People continue to take drugs to support the intense emotions of well-being released by the brain; this creates a cycle of drug use and intense high. For other people, especially with opioids, drug addiction begins when they take prescription drugs or receive them from other people who have a prescription.

Taking some medications can be particularly risky, especially if you take high doses or combine them with other medications or alcohol. Jason's friends know that he's been experimenting with drugs and now they're worried that he's become addicted. While these drugs are very different from each other, they all strongly activate the brain's addiction center.

Joanna Yanoff
Joanna Yanoff

Evil travel trailblazer. Certified food specialist. Extreme coffee maven. Avid zombie nerd. Devoted food junkie.

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